The down side: I'm super bored.
I'm updating right now from Caffeine Dreams, the best coffee shop in Omaha. It's better than Crane because it fosters a more hipster atmostphere. Indie music and coffee matrons wearing low cut "show my boobie" numbers. Not a bad set up. The only thing I really hate about this coffee shop is all the hipsters. What the hell are they thinking? I would love to see a picture of a hipster from ten years ago. Were they the kids that were all in love with Jay-Z and Eminem? And where do they expect to go in life with holes in their ears as big as a pop can? And don't even get me started on skinny jeans. God in HEAVEN!
I have begun to pay back the greek organization that I had the pleasure of being associated with in College. it's only about two years overdue, but what can I say....I'm slow.
I think the best two thing about this week both happened on Friday. First, I went back to Midland to talk to Dr. Staley's Cultural Minorities class about living with "the gay" and what that means in NE and at Midland and in Fremont. It was a really enjoyable class. There was good questions from both the professor and the students, and the dialog was both witty and informative. I really wish I could do it more ofter. Truthfully. I think I broke a lot of barriers today. There are some people that don't understand that being gay and being a social pariah are not mutually exclusive. I live my life the best way I know how and I do it with grace and dignity and a lot of humor. (I sound like I'm living with AIDS or something, jeez). The point is, I like being gay. I like being who I am. I like making asshole straight boys feel uncomfortable and dirty.
Also on Friday, I got another tattoo. It's a really nice compass rose on my chest.

So what do we think? I think it's fantastic. I love the fact that it turned out so bad ass. I was a little wary, but it all turned into a nice experience. And Jamie and Jay were there to witness. Then we went and had shots and listened to the rain fall and the thunder rumble. It was a beautiful night on Friday. I wish I had a date so I could make an excuse to make out. Meh.
This whole post is terribly unlibrarian like and I apologize for that.You get something from the field soon. I promise.
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