Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Here's the deal

I have a case study due on Friday and I'm having a hard time getting focused for it. I know it'll be a cinch once I get the juices going, but I just don't care enough about this class to do it. Let's be realistic about the Academic library people. It seems like a lot more work than it's worth. At least the GIGANTIC university library. I don't want to be a "publish or perish" professor. I want to help people find stuff. I want to be the hip reference desk guy at the liberal arts college. Truthfully, I'd love to be the guy who teaches research methods to undergrads. That would be awesome and I'd get to teach.

In other library news, I finished my reference class. That was nice. It was a good class because I got a lot of great interaction with librarians in the field. I especially loved Julie Pinnell, reference librarian for the Nebraska Library Commission. I want her job. She just gets to answer reference questions all day from all over the State. and some of the examples are really really funny.

Next semester I'm taking Public Library, Social Constructs of Information and Collections Management. It'll be a good semester. Hopefully better than the last one.